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The Faroe Islands Podcast

The Faroe Islands Podcast explores the news, culture, and politics of the Faroe Islands... and it's in English so you can understand it.

May 31, 2012

This week, part two of our conversation with John Goodlad about the Shetland fishing fleet of the late 19th century and how it became the Faroese fishing fleet during the first part of the 20th century. Then we'll explore an odd Faroese verbal tic.

May 24, 2012

This week, we talk about the Faroe smacks. They were a fishing fleet that sailed the waters near the Faroes during the late 1800s. The boats started off in the posession of Shetlanders but eventually formed the backbone of the Faroese fishing fleet.

Then we talk to some horses in Lambi.

May 17, 2012

This week, we keep it simple. We take a ride on one of Torshavn's red busses. The busses are new, you can ride them for free, and they've even got WiFi.

May 2, 2012

This week, we talk to Fraiser Hall and Peter Hammarstedt. They're the captain and first mate, respectively, of the Sea Shepherd boat "Brigitte Bardot." We discuss the Sea Shepherd's campaign in the Faroe Islands last summer, and whether their tactics actually further their goals. And we'll talk to an "undercover"...